Town Center Ear Nose and Throat Clinic P.
A. is providing information and services on the Internet as
a benefit and service. Town Center Ear Nose and Throat Clinic
P. A. makes no representations about the suitability of this
information and these services for any purpose.
Information accuracy: While Town Center Ear
Nose and Throat Clinic P. A. attempts to convey accurate and
current information on this site, this information may contain
typographical errors or technical errors. You are advised
to confirm the accuracy of any information presented on this
site before relying on it in any way.
This information is provided by Town Center
Ear Nose and Throat Clinic P. A. the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head
and Neck Surgery, Inc., (AAO-HNS) and the American Academy
of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Foundation, Inc. (AAO-HNSF)
for educational purposes only. Any information provided in
this Web site should not be considered medical advice or a
substitute for a consultation with an otolaryngologist -head
and neck surgeon or other physician.